Frequently Asked Questions

Chinese medicine is a comprehensive system of healthcare that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is based on the principles of balancing the body’s vital energy, known as qi, and achieving harmony between the opposing forces of yin and yang. Chinese medicine incorporates various modalities including acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, and massage (such as Tui Na). Practitioners diagnose patients by observing their symptoms, pulse, tongue, and overall constitution, aiming to identify and address underlying imbalances rather than just treating isolated symptoms. The goal of Chinese medicine is to promote the body’s natural healing abilities and restore equilibrium to improve overall health and well-being.

You can expect to be asked questions pertaining to health history and current health information. After this a practitioner will go over your tongue and pulse. Depending on what the practitioner decides is the best treatment plan you may have a variety of different services such as tuina, cupping, gua sha, moxa therapy or e-stim. Herbal prescriptions will also be discussed. 

When your treatment begins you will be asked to lay on the table either face up or down. From here very small thin needles will be placed in areas that pertain to healing your body. The needles will be retained for an average of 25 minutes. During this time the practitioner will step out and let you take a well deserved nap, or just relax to the smooth tunes. 

The provider will come in and check in on your treatment halfway, possibly moving or changing the needles. You will have a buzzer in case you need to reach the practitioner prior to them coming in. If anything feels uncomfortable or you would like something different please always let us know. We will go slow and always communicate what is happening prior to treatment. As always we want to foster a learning environment so please be encouraged to ask any questions.

 After the treatment many people report a relaxed calm feeling.  Depending on what is being treated you may feel relief right away. Some patients report better sleep and more energy following a treatment as well. We always recommend lots of water and rest if you can.

There is a possibility to feel more sensations in the body after a treatment, if it feels like pain, wait 24 hours and it should resolve. Sometimes acupuncture can make the body aware of something going on. This is referred to as “waking the dragon”. Once the body is aware, this is often times where healing can begin on a deeper level.

We always recommend rest after your treatment but we understand you may not be able too. Acupuncture has no down time but we do ask that you drink lots of water, nourish your body, and try to rest the best you can.

This can vary as there is a personalized treatment plan that will be specific to each patient and their needs. On average we recommend reassessing after 6 treatments. However, some feel as though they notice a difference right away, others, especially those with chronic pain, may find it just takes a few more sessions.

It may be easiest to wear something that comes above the knees and is relatively loose fitting. However we have blankets and sheets available if this is not an option. This also depends on what area may be treated that day.

Yes it absolutely is! However there is always more research to be done, whether it’s acupuncture, chiropractic care or anything else in the medical world. Here at Ashra will always try to be on top of the newest research coming out while respecting the deep roots of the medicine.

Check out this video on the clinical effectiveness of acupuncture here

Check out this website with loads of acupuncture research here

We do not bill insurance directly but can provide you with a superbill to give to your insurance company so you can check for reimbursement options! Some people can use their Health Savings Account (HSA) or your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to cover their acupuncture services. If interested in getting your treatments reimbursed, please contact your acupuncturist.

Cost varies depending on how many treatment sessions are needed and whether or not the patient chooses to pay in a package or pay upfront.

Through our Pay It Forward Program, we offer reduced cost acupuncture to those who need it most. To ensure we can keep our pay it forward program going, 5% of all services and 25% of all items purchased through our store go towards the program. At the end of each session, patients have the opportunity to “pay it forward” to the next person or purchase a gift card to “pay it forward”. Ask us about our pay it forward program.

Overall patients can pay upfront per session, pay through their package or pay through their LOP.

Our pay at time of service fees are: $175 for the first treatment and $115 for follow up. Additional treatment times or added services vary.

Curious? Have more questions? Schedule your complementary consultation here

Understandably, you may want to give the gift of acupuncture, we get it! Just click this link. Also buying a card could also be to pay it forward, helping someone receive acupuncture who otherwise may not be able to.

We thank you for your support!

The upmost compliment is when we are able to work with people that our patients know.  In order to say thank you we are offering 50% off our patients next treatment if you refer someone. All they have to do is say your name!

We thank you for all your support.