Acupuncture in Austin, Texas
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine technique that has been used for at least 2,500 years. It is a treatment that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate them and treat many different health problems. Ashra Integrative Medicine is a reliable clinic for providing personalized patient-centered care through acupuncture treatment. Blending Chinese medicine with the insights of contemporary science, we utilize an empowering approach to healing. With specialization in pain management, neurological and reproduction health, face rejuvenation, and emotional health, our team constantly works towards improving your overall health and wellness.
Now taking new patients in Austin, Texas for acupuncture!
Stay Tuned for our blog about how acupuncture works!
Issues We Address With Acupuncture Therapy in Austin, TX
Chronic Pain
We help individuals manage chronic pain through acupuncture, stimulating the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals and improving blood circulation. This technique heals pain in the lower back, neck, shoulder, and Knee and treats Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, migraines, and tension headaches.
Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
People with insomnia and sleep disorders often find relief with acupuncture, as it helps balance the nervous system, providing relaxation and better sleep quality. With our regular acupuncture sessions, it can help the body’s circadian rhythm for deeper, restorative sleep.
Digestive Disorders
Whether it’s irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, constipation, bloating, or indigestion, acupuncture in Austin addresses various digestive issues.
Women’s Health and Fertility
At Ashra Integrative Medicine, our acupuncture therapy helps provide women’s reproductive health and fertility support by regulating the menstrual cycle, treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and relieving menopausal symptoms.
This therapy also assists in managing hormonal imbalances, which, if not treated, can lead to conditions such as thyroid disorders, PMS, and other issues.
Allergies and Respiratory Conditions
Our sessions of Acupuncture in Austin, Texas, assist individuals suffering from seasonal allergies or chronic respiratory conditions by reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and treating symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, and asthma.
Weight Loss Support
We offer weight loss support by boosting your metabolism and reducing appetite through this tailored treatment. Through it, we also help balance your body’s energy levels and address chronic fatigue syndrome (or lethargy) to restore vitality.
Skin Health
At Ashra Integrative Medicine, our facial acupuncture is a popular treatment that reduces any signs of aging and improves overall skin health by increasing collagen production. This improves blood flow to the skin and reduces fine lines, puffiness, and acne, giving a natural, healthy glow.
Contact Ashra Integrative Medicine at 512-703-0878 or email at [email protected] for electro-acupuncture and other comprehensive therapeutic techniques.
Your personalized treatment plan depends on your specific needs and may include any of these offerings. Our approach is centered on addressing underlying causes of any imbalance, utilizing a comprehensive array of therapeutic techniques.
Try Ashra Now
If you have been stuck in the medical system, taking multiple pharmaceuticals with various side effects and little improvements to your health, it is time to try something new. At Ashra, we work diligently to find the root cause for your symptoms in a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere that will not feel like “going to the doctor.” Let us show you how healing can be a nourishing and transformative experience. Whether it is here in Austin or through the computer we are with you every step of the way.