Chinese Herbal Medicine

Both Ashtau and Sierra have specialized in Chinese herbal medicine while studying acupuncture. At Ashra you have the option to get Chinese herbal medicine through a telehealth visit or during your acupuncture session.

Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is also an old tried and true medicine (1). It dates back to a practitioner from the Tang dynasty known as Sun Simiao (“the herbal king”). The first school for CHM was then established 618-907 CE. 

Herbal therapy is such a blessing that can help with a multitude of health issues. From fertility, period pain all the way to healing from a sprain and everything in between; CHM is a widely used medicine that we are grateful to share with you. Always share what medications or supplements you may be on, sometimes there are interferences though often pharmaceuticals can be taken alongside CHM.

Through the years there have been a lot of different ways CHM has evolved finding new solutions and more tailored treatments. There are different ways to consume or physically use herbs which may be through pills, powders (ground up herbs), tinctures, patches, soaks, and more. Depending on what is needed we will discuss the best administration of herbs that fits you. We get the highest grade herbal products such as Evergreen, Golden Flower, Bluepoppy and more. Depending on what you are experiencing there may be a custom formula made for you. 

Book your Telehealth herbal consult here



Further Reading about Chinese Herbal Medicine

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If you have been stuck in the medical system, taking multiple pharmaceuticals with various side effects and little improvements to your health, it is time to try something new. At Ashra, we work diligently to find the root cause for your symptoms in a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere that will not feel like “going to the doctor.” Let us show you how healing can be a nourishing and transformative experience. Whether it is here in Austin or through the computer we are with you every step of the way.